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America v/s Canada & Australia – Where to migrate?

People across the globe have considered America the leading power of the globe for more years than one can imagine. But the perspective seems to be changing now. In many surveys conducted in the last years, people’s opinions seem to be changing drastically and they no more consider the USA the dominator it used to be. Sure, in technological advancement and standard of living, it continues to exceed the expectations of many, however; in other areas like the cost of education, healthcare expenses, employment opportunities, and childcare, other developed nations like Canada, Australia, and Great Britain have been surpassing many bars to migrate to and are turning out to be more prosperous, peaceful, & providing countries in comparison to the USA.

Let’s have a look at some of the key factors that contribute to the depreciating image of the United States of America and how other countries are outperforming in these areas.

1. Public Healthcare

Great healthcare is available in the US, but it's not cheap. In immense contrast, almost all other developed countries outperform the United States in this area. The US ranked 22nd with Canada, Australia, Sweden, Germany, and Denmark at the top, according to the US News 2021 Best Countries report, which ranked public health systems.

2. Housing

Finding housing is another challenge individuals face after immigrating to the United States. Finding affordable, decent, and safe housing in the United States is a daunting task, according to the latest research. Also, because immigrants are recent residents, it can be difficult to pay high rents. Housing costs are higher for undocumented immigrants than for documented immigrants in the United States.

3. Employment Opportunities

In comparison to the United States, many countries like Canada provide better, high-paying, and lucrative employment opportunities to immigrants and international talent based on their skills, knowledge, and past work experience. On the other hand, foreigners have to pass a variety of hurdles in securing opportunities per their qualifications and skills in America. Immigrants who have had good jobs in their home countries may find it difficult to find the same jobs in the United States. Moreover, migrants are often victims of exploitation and discrimination in the workplace, exacerbating the situation.

4. Cultural Disparity

Immigrants and the international population when settling in a new country, they face some challenges in finding their place in the new community and culture. However, a country that is more diverse and has a greater migrant population, makes it easier for new settlers to find their community and even, gel with the native population. In this regard, countries like Canada and Australia have left behind the USA as they offer far higher diversity ratios in the country than in America. With this, they even offer a safe community with the lowest violence rate and hate crime toward immigrants.

5. Access to Medical Services

People should have access to medical services, regardless of nationality. However, immigrants living in the US have poor health insurance coverage and inadequate access to medical services in contrast to their neighboring countries like Canada. In addition, policy changes have restricted immigrants' access to health care and insurance in the states. These barriers range from economic restrictions to discrimination and fear of deportation. This has raised concerns about whether immigrants will be able to participate in many free health programs.

6. Discrimination

Per a recent survey, many immigrants experience discrimination, especially in the states. There has been a huge wave of growing anti-immigrant prejudice. These prejudices are reinforced by the amount of news and information we consume. In particular, anti-immigrant attitudes support restrictive policies. Hence, prejudice in such nations is directed against all ethnic and religious minority groups. So, an immigrant must choose their destination nation after careful research.


Immigration to the United States offers many opportunities. However, people often encounter several problems related to housing, work, access to services, and more often surpassing the associated benefits of immigration to the US. On the contrary, Canada and Australia offer much more stable opportunities, lifestyles, standards of living, and peaceful & diverse communities with a variety of immigration pathways designed for different needs. Hence, if you have decided to migrate to another country, it is advised to consider all prospects before making the move.

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